Medically approved Class III floor scales from seca. Our range includes a wide selection of models in a variety of capacities, dimensions and graduations.
Lightweight baby and toddler digital weighing scales from seca. Shell-shaped for optimal safety whilst weighing. Our range includes both Class III and IIII units.
A selection of portable and wall mounted height measures from seca, Sunflower and Doherty suitable for use in primary and secondary care.
A range of Class III column scales from the leading brand seca. The range includes digital, dial, mechanical scales along with combined height and weight systems.
seca's 360° wireless products transmit measurements directly into your EMR system without programming!
Accessories and spare parts for our range of seca scales and height measures, including carry cases and wireless printers.
A selection of speciality scales including platform scales, chair scales and a wheelchair weigher.
Monitor baby and toddler growth easily, safely and accurately with our range of Measuring Mats from world leaders seca.
The range includes hand-held and wall-mounted measures, simple tape measures and disposable tape measures.
A selection of products for the accurate measurement and calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI).
A range of professional body composition systems for measuring weight, water, fat and mass.
Self-testing presents an opportunity to save physician time by allowing patients to measure their height and weight in one step.