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Know they’re maintained. Know you’re ready.

You’ve made the investment in AEDs, now they need to be ready to use in an emergency. We’re delighted to introduce our new PlusCare maintenance options – developed in partnership with Zoll. With our expert care, your defibrillator will always be rescue-ready, ensuring its in perfect condition when every second counts. We handle all the critical checks and upkeep, so you can focus on what matters most: peace of mind knowing that you’re always equipped to save a life. Don’t leave it to chance – ensure your defibrillator is ready to perform at the crucial moment with PlusCare.

Our Zoll Defibrillation servicing packages

PlusCare Service
(2 Years)
PlusCare Service
(4 Years)
PlusCare Advanced Service
(2 Years)
PlusCare Advanced Service
(4 Years)
PlusTrac License 2-Years 4-Years 2-Years 4-Years
AED status and accessory tracking/reporting
Responder certification tracking/reporting
AED programme alerts/notifications
Manufacturer recall alerts
Online resource library
AED programme data entry/batch upload
Post-event review and clinical welfare debrief
Dedicated local customer support
Annual on-site service & maintenance
Physical AED inspection
Operational tests incl. shock analysis testing
Electrode and battery status
Complete cleaning of AED
Compliance guarantee documentation
Replacement accessories included* X X

*Included at point of expiry

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