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GlucoRx X6 Meter
This is a non-returnable, special purchase item
Multi-Functional Monitoring System tests for blood Glucose, β-Ketone, Lactate, Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Uric Acid.
Glucose (Diabetes management solution)
β-Ketone (For people with insulin dependent diabetes or healthy people on a keto diet)
Lactate (Helps amateur athletes appreciate the concentration of lactate produced at different exercise intensities, indicating how they are obtaining energy at each applied speed. Also high levels of lactate in the blood may be an indication of lack of oxygen [hypoxia] or the presence of other conditions that cause excess production or insufficient clearing of lactate from the blood.)
Total Cholesterol (For those concerned about their heart and cholesterol health)
Triglycerides (Evaluates risk of heart disease)
Uric Acid (Useful to measure if you have a health problem that can cause [i.e. gout] or be caused by high uric acid levels).
– Automatic strip identification system
– ISO 15197 compliant (glucose test)
– Individual blood glucose target range
– 2 colour indicator
– Expiry date reminder
– More user friendly with 3 scrolling buttons
– Transfer data by bluetooth to free GlucoRx BGMs app.
The GlucoRx X6 starter kit includes a meter with batteries, 10x glucose test strips, control solution, lancing device, 10x sterile lancets, instruction manuals, monitoring diary, warranty card & protective carry case.