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Ambu SPUR II provides users with exceptional tactile and visual feedback during resuscitation.
The bag is highly responsive, with minimal mechanical resistance. Furthermore the characteristic design provides optimum stroke volume with perfect recoil.Ambu SPUR II is MR conditional and may be used in an MRI environment under the following conditions:
• Static magnetic field of 7 Tesla and less, with:
• Maximum spatial field gradient of10,000 G/cm (100 T/m)
• Maximum force product of 450,000,000 G2/cm (450 T2/m)
The device should not be used inside the MR bore during an ongoing procedure as this may influence the MR image quality.
The Ambu SPUR II resuscitator is also available in a version that may be used with oxygen demand valves (sizes
adult and paediatric only). The purpose of the demand valve is to delivery 100% oxygen to the patient on a
consistent basis without wasting any surplus oxygen when the resuscitator is not used.
• Single-shutter valve system for reliable functionality
• Integrated handle for user comfort and uniform compression
• Thin and responsive bag with minimal mechanical resistance
• SafeGrip™ surface for secure handling in stressful environments
• M-Port allows sidestream measuring of et CO2 or quick medicationdelivery without disconnecting the Ambu SPUR II from the ET tube
• Easy attachment of manometer and PEEP valve
• MR Conditional
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