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MESI Wireless Pulse Oxymeter System & App

ID:W301013 , 301-000400
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The MESI mTABLET SPO2 is a wireless pulse oximeter system for diagnosing or monitoring acute respiratory or heart illness.                                                                                        

Assess functional capacity in patients with diverse pulmonary, cardiovascular, neurological and neuromuscular conditions.


The Pulse Oximeter Diagnostic Module is designed for the non-invasive determination of the functional oxygen saturation in the human arterial blood (SpO2) and for measuring the pulse frequency. With the MESI SPO2MD the various applications for measuring pulse oximetry can be accessed i.e. shuttle test, 6-minute walk test and advanced pulse oximeter monitor.


The SPO2MD comes with fingertip sensor suitable for adults but it also supports a variety of different applications from neonatal to adult patient use.


The MESI mTABLET Pulse Oximetry Diagnostic Module comes with the SpO2 application for MESI mTABLET.


Please note: If SpO2 Diagnostic Module is purchased as standalone device the MESI mTablet must be purchased separately.
