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Masimo Rad-97 with Caprography
A More Complete Picture of a Patient's Respiratory Status
Rad-97 with integrated NomoLine Capnography offers continuous oxygenation and ventilation monitoring with upgradeable Pulse CO-Oximetry in a compact, standalone device, providing clinicians with a more complete picture of a patient's respiratory status on a single display.
• Integrated port for direct connection of NomoLine sampling lines
• Ethernet, Nurse call interface and USB ports enable seamless integration into wired infrastructures
• Real-time EtCo2 waveform provides an easily interpretable display of capnography measurements
• Customizable display allows for quick assessment of patient status and provides pertinent data at a glance.
• Light Emitting Gas Inlet (LEGI) indicator illuminates in different colours to provide visual indicators of capnography module status