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Masimo Rad-G Reusable Sensor
This is a non-returnable, special purchase item
The Rad-G™ reusable sensors are indicated for non-invasive spot-checking of functional oxygen saturation of arterial haemoglobin (SpO2) and pulse rate (measured by an SpO2 sensor) for use with adult, paediatric, and infant patients during both no motion and motion conditions, and for patients who are well or poorly perfused in hospitals, hospital-type facilities, mobile, and home environments.
The Rad-G reusable sensors are for use only with Rad-G devices containing Masimo SET® oximetry and licensed to use Rad-G sensors. The Rad-G sensor is only compatible with the Rad-G device. The Rad-G sensors have been verified with Masimo SET Oximetry Technology.
To clean the sensor:
1. Remove the sensor from the patient and disconnect it from the patient cable.
2. Wipe the sensor pads and outer surfaces using 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, or Quaternary ammonium chloride solution wipes.
3. Wipe twice or until the surfaces are free of any visible residue. 4. Dry the sensor thoroughly prior to placement on a patient.
The surfaces of the Rad-G reusable sensor have been tested to be chemically resistant to following solution(s): Glutaraldehyde, quaternary ammoni um chloride, 10% bleach (sodium hypochlorite) to 90% water solution, 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. CAUTIONS
• Do not use undiluted bleach (5% - 5.25% sodium hypochlorite) or any cleaning solution other than those recommended here because permanent damage to the sensor may occur. • To prevent damage, do not soak or immerse the sensor in any liquid solution.
• Do not sterilize by irradiation, steam, autoclave or ethylene oxide.