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Respiratory Bundle 2
This is a non-returnable, special purchase item
Buy as a bundle & Save £569 vs list price of individual components of the bundle
Included in this bundle:
W101378UK Spirolab spirometer with software
W4568 Thermal printer paper X 10
D63010 Neumo bacterial filters X 100
The Intermedical UK Spirolab has been specifically designed and developed for respiratory healthcare professionals in the UK.
• It has a simple, easy to use interface. Large, UK-friendly, labelled icons.
• It has an uncomplicated workflow. Even for the most basic user; the entire process from entering patient data, performing a test, through to obtaining results is seamless with large on-screen icons and easy to follow workflow.
• Each individual screen is self-explanatory.
• Option to perform expiratory only spirometry which is mainly performed in primary care rather than having to doing inspiratory testing too.
• Printout designed for UK users with indices set out in a logical order.
• Large, high-resolution screen.
• High speed printer.
• Fast, reactive touch screen. Fast refresh rate. ‘ipad’ feel to the touch screen.
• It is unique in that it can use reusable or pre-calibrated disposable turbines.
• Includes x1 free of charge reusable turbine
The Spirolab comes with a re-usable turbine for use with standard adult one-way valve mouthpieces. The turbine is also available as a single use disposable that has been individually factory calibrated with mouthpiece pre-connected and individually packaged.3- Litre calibration syringe with filter suitable for use with:
Spirolab Features
• 7" Touchscreen colour display
• Turbine Sensor Technology
• Fast high resolution built-in printer
• Large memory storage
• Fully compliant with ATS/ERS guidelines
• 50+ parameters with LLN & Z-score
• 1 Year Warranty