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Connex Spot with Sure BP,Pulse,SPO2, Pro 6000 Thermometer & Early Warning Score

ID:W62316 , 71WE-4
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The Welch Allyn Connex Spot Monitor features an easy-to-use, vivid touchscreen display and provides fast, accurate vital signs measurements including blood pressure averaging and Early Warning Scores.

Ships standard with one Adult and one Large Adult cuff.


• Three modes: spot check, intervals and GP office
• BHS A/A validated SureBP Technology can provide blood pressure in only 15 seconds
• Blood pressure averaging to help ensure accurate hypertension diagnosis
• Nonin SpO2 technology with 2 year sensor warranty
• Create up to 3 customised Early Warning Scores in the same device - such as nEWS, pEWS, etc
• Optional SureTemp axilla or Braun Pro 6000 ear thermometry

Warranty 2 years
Brand Welch Allyn
Warranty 2 years
Warranty 2 years