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seca 456 Wireless USB Adaptor

ID:W71051/1 , 4560000009
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To enable your PC to receive the height and weight measurements wirelessly from seca devices, you need only the 360º wireless USB adaptor. It makes sure that up to 45 seca devices (per adaptor) in three different wireless groups can communicate wirelessy with each other. Setup and connection are simple: Select the wireless group, automatically search for an available frequency, switch on devices one after the other and your done. All available seca 360º wireless scales and measuring systems will appear in a list on the PC. The high degree of automation makes for fast and error-free procedures.

With the seca 456 you equip your PC to receive wireless data from seca scales and measuring instruments. You can eliminate annoying cable connections in the examination rooms and, with software seca analytics 105, you can store measurements in the seca database, feed them into an EMR system and provide other parameters per PDF (EMR-integrated). The labor-intensive process of documenting examination findings is turned into a speedy and paperless matter.


• Supported operating systems: Windows XP/Vista/7, Windows Server 2003 and 2008
• System compatible with all products in the seca 360 wireless system

Brand Seca