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01685 846666
Co-Codamol Tablets - 8mg/500mg x 100 8mg/500mg Tablet POM
Pharmaceutical Product
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ℹ Important Notice: Pharma products are sold and shipped exclusively to registered medical professionals at verified medical premises.
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Co-Codamol tablets provide a prescription-only option for managing moderate pain where standard analgesics are inadequate. Each tablet contains a precise combination of paracetamol and codeine, making Co-Codamol a commonly used solution for short-term pain relief in clinical settings.
Key Information :
- Active Ingredients: Each tablet contains paracetamol and codeine phosphate.
- Indications: Co-Codamol is indicated for the relief of moderate pain, especially where alternative analgesics have proven insufficient.
For Prescription Use Only.
Presentation | Tablet |
Presentation | Tablet |
Pack size | x 100 |
Presentation | Tablet |
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